Latex utilities

gem Ruby gem
bash Bash or ELF
ruby Ruby script
perl Perl script
doc documentation
tex TeX source
bash mk doc remove TeX auxiliary/intermediate files
tex ctable.sty .dtx doc easy centered table and figure floats with footnotes for LaTeX
tex longtablex.sty .dtx doc A mix of tabularx and longtable
tex isodoc.cls .dtx doc class for letters and invoices
tex simplot.sty .dtx doc inline graphics generation using Simplot
bash dtxgen doc generate template for self extracting LaTeX dtx file
bash ltxfileinfo doc show information about latex class and style files
bash mk doc a LaTeX maker for the command line
perl mkpic doc interface for making pictures with mfpic (article about this in pdf)
ruby osf doc convert digits in virtual font files to oldstyle (article about this in pdf)
tex proofread.sty .dtx doc easy centered table and figure floats with footnotes for LaTeX
bash texcalc doc convert one TeX unit into another
bash texlog_extract doc extract warning and first error from TeX log file
bash vpp doc View and (selectively) Print PDF and PostScript