cols distribute words over columns
doc generated from the script with gendoc
bash script, version=1.03


cols [options] [file]


print this help and exit
print full documentation via less and exit
print version and exit
print row by row; default: column by column
print in X columns; the default is to print as
many columns as fit in the width of the window
remove vertical white until the minimum separation between
columns is the separator string defined by the --sep option
pretend the window width to be X characters
separate columns with the string X; default: one space
prefix each line with the string X
add the string X as a suffix to each line
-1, -2, ... -9 is equivalent to -c 1, -c 2, ... -c 9


cols reads words, one word per line, from standard input or from an optional file and prints them, in as many columns as are available in the current window width or, if the --width option was used, the width set by that option.

The words are written column by column:

   $ seq  13|cols --width=20
   1  3  5  7  9  11 13
   2  4  6  8  10 12

With the --across option, cols writes the words row by row:

   $ seq  13|cols --width=20 --across
   1  2  3  4  5  6  7 
   8  9  10 11 12 13 

The number of columns can be explicitly set with the --columns option:

   $ seq 5 10 133 |cols --columns=4
   5   45  85  125
   15  55  95     
   25  65  105    
   35  75  115    

The excessive whitespace can be cut out with the --squeeze option:

   $ seq 5 10 153 |cols -4s
   5  45 85  125
   15 55 95  135
   25 65 105 145
   35 75 115   

The --sep, --pre, and --suf can, for example, be used to create the contents of a LaTeX table. This one is prefixed with '%␣' for a .dtx file:

   $ ls / | cols --pre='% ' --sep=' & ' --suf='\\\\'
   % bin            & initrd.img.old & opt            & usb1          \\
   % boot           & lib            & proc           & usb2          \\
   % cdrom          & lib32          & root           & usr           \\
   % cj             & lib64          & run            & var           \\
   % dev            & local          & sbin           & vmlinuz       \\
   % etc            & lost+found     & selinux        & vmlinuz.old   \\
   % fotos          & media          & srv            & wd            \\
   % ftp            & mnt            & store          & www           \\
   % home           & music          & sys            &               \\
   % initrd.img     & nrc            & tmp            &               \\

The width of each column is fixed to the width of the widest column. The --squeeze option removes the excess white space:

   $ ls / | cols --pre='% ' --sep=' & ' --suf='\\\\' --squeeze
   % bin        & initrd.img.old & opt     & usb1       \\
   % boot       & lib            & proc    & usb2       \\
   % cdrom      & lib32          & root    & usr        \\
   % cj         & lib64          & run     & var        \\
   % dev        & local          & sbin    & vmlinuz    \\
   % etc        & lost+found     & selinux & vmlinuz.old\\
   % fotos      & media          & srv     & wd         \\
   % ftp        & mnt            & store   & www        \\
   % home       & music          & sys     &            \\
   % initrd.img & nrc            & tmp     &            \\

This gives room for one or two extra columns, by using the --columns=6 option; this can be shortened to -6, and we can even include the shorthand for --squeeze:

   $ ls / | cols --pre='% ' --sep=' & ' --suf='\\\\' -s6
   % bin   & ftp            & local      & proc    & sys     & vmlinuz.old\\
   % boot  & home           & lost+found & root    & tmp     & wd         \\
   % cdrom & initrd.img     & media      & run     & usb1    & www        \\
   % cj    & initrd.img.old & mnt        & sbin    & usb2    &            \\
   % dev   & lib            & music      & selinux & usr     &            \\
   % etc   & lib32          & nrc        & srv     & var     &            \\
   % fotos & lib64          & opt        & store   & vmlinuz &            \\


Wybo Dekker


Released under the GNU General Public License

Functions used:


handle_options "$@"
handle the options.
globals used:
Myname Version
globals  set:
args squeeze across sep pre suf cols
the number of remaning arguments