fotoweb in the current directory, create web gallery of picture files
doc generated from the script with gendoc
ruby script, version=0.01


fotoweb [options]


report file sizes in the index
reverse foreground and background colors
STRING break file names on STRING
show extension for file names
print this help and exit
make thumbnail size INT pixels); default: 150
frame thumbnails with INT pixels); default: no frame
remove all _t.{jpg,png,gif} and all .html


In the current directory, fotoweb creates two files, for each file *.EXT (where EXT can be jpg, png, or gif):

a thumbnail
an html file showing FILE.EXT at maximum width, with
navigation button on top and bottom

fotoweb also creates a file index.html, showing all thumbnails, and an index.html in the parent directory, that lists all subdirectories that contain an index.html.

Finally, fotoweb creates a directory icons in the parent directory, containing the icons needed.

For example: when you have a tree like this:

    fotos --+-- my_birthday/
            |   |
            |   + present.jpg
            |   + the_cake.png
            +-- my_holiday/
                + beach.gif
                + hotel.jpg

Then, after running fotoweb in both my_birthday and my_holiday, you will have:

    fotos ---------+-- my_birthday/
    |              |   |
    + icons/       |   + present.jpg
    + index.html   |   + present.html
                   |   + present_t.jpg
                   |   + the_cake.png
                   |   + the_cake.html
                   |   + the_cake_t.png
                   |   + index.html
                   +-- my_holiday/
                       + beach.gif
                       + beach.html
                       + beach_t.gif
                       + hotel.jpg
                       + hotel.html
                       + hotel_t.jpg
                       + index.html


Report file sizes in the index; the default is not to report sizes. Sizes will be reported in kilobytes, centered under the filename of the thumbnails.
Reverse foreground and background colors. By default, the forground is white, the background black.
Break file names on STRING; by default, names will be split on spaces, and only if necessary.
Show extension for file names; the default is to display filenames without the extension.
Print this help and exit
Frame thumbnails with INT pixels; this is mainly meant for images that have a transparent background.
Set size of thumbnails to INT pixels; default: 150; this is useful if the thumbnails are also for other applications, like the smoelen script.


fotoweb still needs the following executables:

(from imagemagick)
(from imagemagick)
(from sharutils)


Wybo Dekker


Released under the GNU General Public License